For a while the Friday Diary was a staple of the 5punk front page, delighting us with tales of our hilarious Friday gaming sessions. Then two-and-a-half years ago, for reasons of procreation, they had to be suspended. But no more! I am once more in a position where I can ignore my children in order to make people on the internet laugh.
Tag Archives: Counterstrike
Happy 10th Birthday 5punk – Shooters
Yesterday was ten years old and I wrote about some of the games we’ve played and peoples’ memories of them. In celebration we played some games last night – lots of us did, maybe twenty at one point. In order to get all those people together we had to find games we all had, and it comes as no surprise that those games were all first person sh0oters. Maybe it’s because they’re easy to pick up because they’re mechanically similar, maybe it’s because they’re convenient to drop in and out of with any number of players. Either way, shooters are so popular among 5punkers that today they get their own article.
Posted in General
Tagged 10 years, 5punk, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 3, BEEF, birthday, Call of Duty, Chivalry, CoD2, CoD4, CoD:UO, Counterstrike, Joint Ops, Planetside 2, shooters, source, SWAT 4, Tactical Intervention, tournament
Friday Diary: Ear Testicles
The Friday gaming has been picking up the pace lately. The catalyst seems to have been a discussion about lurkers, or rather less frequent forumites, and anything we could do to be more inclusive. This led to a few mid-week games which have had a pretty good turn out, and although I can’t see a direct link it seems to be bringing out some old faces. The other side of that is that with more people, something like thirteen at one point, we struggle to find games everyone can play. Either someone doesn’t have it, or some don’t want to play it, or there’s too many for it. It’s a relatively good problem to have though, and there’s nothing stopping us splitting between several games.
Posted in General
Tagged Bad Music, Burnout Paradise, Chivalry, Counterstrike, Ear Testicles
Friday Diary: Spiderbaby
I’ve taken a bit of a diversion from the norm for today’s diary title. It’s no more relevant to last night than any other night, but it’s a meme we roll out quite often that I’ve never mentioned. Mr Johnson has a penchant for Father Ted, and there’s a scene where he describes a spiderbaby. We’ve paraphrased a bit, but it boils down to something having the either the mind of a baby or the body of a spider. Or, as a few weeks ago, the body of a baby and the mind of a bastard. We encountered our own spiderbastard last night, but the theme is more of breaking from convention.