On Friday 5punk.co.uk was ten years old, and this weekend I’ve been writing about peoples’ memories of them. While I’ve been doing that I’ve found that much of what I’ve been writing tends to segue off towards our in-jokes and collective sense of humour. It should have come as no surprise really, since games are merely the catalyst which brings us together. The heart of 5punk is in its members, its community, be that in thee games, on the forums, on Teamspeak, or in person.
Tag Archives: birthday
Happy 10th Birthday 5punk – Community
Posted in General
Tagged 10 years, 5punk, beards, birthday, City of Heroes, community, D&D, Eve online, horses, memes, Shadowrun, SLA Industries, World of Warcraft
Happy 10th Birthday 5punk – Shooters
Yesterday 5punk.co.uk was ten years old and I wrote about some of the games we’ve played and peoples’ memories of them. In celebration we played some games last night – lots of us did, maybe twenty at one point. In order to get all those people together we had to find games we all had, and it comes as no surprise that those games were all first person sh0oters. Maybe it’s because they’re easy to pick up because they’re mechanically similar, maybe it’s because they’re convenient to drop in and out of with any number of players. Either way, shooters are so popular among 5punkers that today they get their own article.
Posted in General
Tagged 10 years, 5punk, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 3, BEEF, birthday, Call of Duty, Chivalry, CoD2, CoD4, CoD:UO, Counterstrike, Joint Ops, Planetside 2, shooters, source, SWAT 4, Tactical Intervention, tournament
Happy 10th Birthday 5punk – Gaming
Today 5punk.co.uk is ten years old. What began as a function for likeminded people to organise gaming sessions has, in those years, become a very close community in its own right. Many members, many games, have been and gone through the forums. Even the forum has died and been reborn. But the constant which makes 5punk the place it is remains true. The members, whoever they may be, their puerile but good natured sense of humour, love of gaming, and penchant for bumming horses.
Posted in General
Tagged 10 years, 5punk, Bash, beards, birthday, Bumout, Burnout Paradise, gaming, MMONG, Shartak, Starcraft 2, Urban Dead