Tag Archives: bears

Friday Diary: Terribly Good

5punk has a long history of loving terrible games. Games which are broken, buggy and ridiculous. I think I’ve mentioned that before. We love them because they’re perfect for comedy, and they’re even funnier when you have a deadly serious community playing them. Last night we found such a game.

Meanwhile in Russia...

Meanwhile in Russia…

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Friday Diary: Lady Bits

Last night’s gaming proved to be very much an archetype of 5punky gaming; fraught with disaster and conversations for which I daren’t google a title image. We had a good showing though, and while the gaming produced nothing particularly groundbreaking it gives me an excuse to set the background noise level from which the other shenanigans that appear here can be based.

I need to think about what I'll have to google before I come up with a title.

I really should think about what I’ll have to google before I come up with a title.

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